Timber Trailer Pack v 0.9.1


Timber Trailer Pack

Original link [Uploaded.net]

The AlpSaw GmbH has expanded its machinery by 2 Brand new WoodTrailer TM12 from the t0xic0m Mod forge. The new WoodTrailer TM12 have a lot to offer, among others. are extendable Runge heads installed in order to allow an Optimal Projection. To prevent possible accidents were the trailers so Conceived they have a very low center of gravity to the underpinning was also installed a Boggie axle, brakes and a “dynamicMountAttacherTrigger”, thus it up was Ensures even in difficult terrain. With the new VLR (Variable compartment), you can move the two conclusions independently Hydraulic forward or backward. The advantages are obvious, no matter what wood length (1-6m) they are to be transporting, the stakes are always in the right position!

A trailer with this equipment comes on an empty weight of 1.2 t, this is not for the company AlpSaw GmbH very insignificant in the region of their TheAlps15 many wet soils and slopes are present here are large tractor with even bigger trailer out of place. Why did the AlpSaw GmbH with its New Holland T6 a small and lightweight trailer with high payload. After a few test rides in very rough terrain with small WoodTrailer TM12m they were so excited that they have the same 2 small “weasel” ordered. And why not, the price per unit of € 3,599 is unbeatable in this category! A small hook, the thing yet, street legal, the “weasel” unfortunately not. Optional but that will come in the near future assured us t0xic0m mods.

Control: “Right click” + “Left or Right”: Runge Front Move

“Left + Right mouse button” + “Up or Down”: Runge Back Move

“V” key: Runge heads extend




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