Südhemmern on the Mittelland Canal v 3.0 UPDATE


afaf dgfg fafa fdg g gfd sudhemmern-am-mittellandkanal--2

Südhemmern V 2.0 Multi-Fruit

Now created with GE 5.0.3 and Patch 2.0 is required . NEW : pig- 1.0.3 ; cattle fattening 1.0; wash with 1.0 function , new objects ( churches , chapel , shelter hamlet 1, details etc. ) More traffic ( additional splines) .

 Error after save is eliminated.

Form the center of the Mittelland Canal with 5 bridges and a port and the main village Südhemmern with its eastern neighbor village Hartum and the west village Hille . A major emphasis I have placed on the detailed design of the landscape and the individual localities. At the same time an attempt was made to make the fields still in many parts of helper friendly , but can not succeed in any case.

Wither / rotting off. Milk is collected .

Next were installed :

Wool range Collectors

Water Mod 3

Traffic lights with a function ( addition mod ” MapAmpeln ” necessary , in Modhoster download )

Slurry and manure sales

Lining layers of Frisco177

Multi-Fruit of Bummi Brum

Everything else follows from the credits.

In addition to the standard fruit rye, spelled , sunflower , oats and wheat are built green .

There are established the following outlets :

Eimo AG Garden Center

Country trade Hille Landi

Freight station port

spinning distillery

Edeka Market Forest Hotel

Sky industrial plant market

horse slaughterhouse


tavern Butcher

Mill 2 BGA

The PDA and the PDA map symbols are adjusted . The field sizes and field rates were calculated using the calculation program of dds Modding and adjusted. There are 50 fields in different sizes ( 2 ha to 10 ha) and two large meadows for grass and hay .


Outlets for straw / hay / grass at Landi , commercial single engine land and harbor at high prices ( for players who need a quick buck ) .

There are several barns on the map that the freight unloaded grass / hay / straw into the camp of the cow pasture (even at the single engine ) :

The unloading of the hamlet and the cow pasture freight the fruit in the respective Hofsilos .

To the cow pasture , there are outlets for barley / wheat and potatoes / sugar ( food for the growing stages) .

For me the map log – error is free.

I ask you to respect the work of the map and do not offer these without consent from me in other portals.

I wish all the the map like a lot of fun playing . All other they can also be deleted .


Mc Gregor Wolf


Ich möchte mich nicht mit fremden Federn schmücken. Daher hier die Modder, deren Objekte ich verwendet habe. Da ich eine Menge von Objekten verbaut habe, kann ich leider keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit der Liste erheben. Sollte jemandem ein Objekt auffallen, welches nicht genannt ist, bitte ich um Mitteilung. Es steckt kein böser Wille dahinter.

Bauernhaus mit Scheune = Lucullus
Zaun = Fendtfan1
Gr. Bauernhaus = Lucullus
Hotel = BobMaster 66
Schwäbisches Bauernhaus =KundS-Modding
Holzsilos = vanillaice83
BayWaHändler = KundSmodding
Gartenzaun = Trixi
Traktorhalle = Richi*3
Mauern = Diops33
Wohnhaus = Richi*3
Maschendrahtzaun = GE-Mapping
Eckscheune = Richi*3
Windmühle = Spider 100
Durchfahrtscheune = Richi*3
Gehwegeset = Frank Wienberg
Schilderpack = Nick 98.1
Fachwerkscheune = Rauschebart
Schilderset = Hirntot 2.0
Misthaufen = M-S Buschi
Straßenbaukasten = atze1978
Schweinezucht = Marhu
Gate mit Mauern = Cosmin 123
MapSiloBand = Marhu
Straßenset = Goodgod
WasserMod = Marhu
Industrieanlage = LWS Terminator
Metzgerei = SLJ Agrar
Brauerei = MikeTM
Steinplatten Set = The Agraama
Pferdehof = Aerocool1
Leitplankenset = LS Landtechnik
Brennerei = Landei
Binnenschiff = Himmi
Edeka = Mark 44
Leitpfahl = Basti66
Sky = Kieler 81
Rolltor = GE-Mapping (?)
Strommasten = MartinBigM 500 Feldgrößenberechnung = ddsModding
Landhandel = Papa
Stromset = kann ich nicht mehr finden
Weidentore = Weltbauer
Silagebeamer = Askari
Weidenzaun = Weltbauer
Mistbeamer = Askari
Futterlager = Frisco0177
Multifrucht = Bummi Brumm
SilosMultifrucht = Bummi Brumm
Ampeln = mod-portal Team
Ampelscript = Bluebaby 210
Brücken = Mach1-Andy
Waschanlage = Buchhauer
Rindermast: Marhu[wpfilebase tag=file id=2426 /]


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